Whale Group Access - Can we lower it to 200M

In camp of leaving it where it is. A thoughtful amount.


At the current price, I believe 400m is an achievable amount for most. I dont support the motion to lower the minimum amount requirement for whale group access.


Proposal reviewed at Roundtable of Dogs on 5/10/24

Whale Group Lower to 200M - REQUIRES MORE DETAIL

Did not meet criteria for Roundtable of Dogs review. No clear indication of how this benefits K9 Finance DAO. Whale group was recently created and not enough data exists to evaluate whether a decrease could be beneficial to the DAO. It was agreed that this is a very tactical marketing proposal that is not of importance for token holders to vote on to not cause voter fatigue. Roundtable emphasized the need for us as a DAO to provide more comprehensive proposals that give operators the leeway to operate and not to be micromanaged by votes at a very tactical level.

This proposal should be revisited in the future when more data is available, or reworked into a less tactical more generalized proposal.


I love the tiered system approach. Always working towards a desired goal, helps with continued investing!
Many people take this approach with crypto. Having a min, mid and max of what you want makes a person feel more accomplished when they meet their tiered goals. Excellent suggestion!


Hope the person suggesting the lowering of the whale requirements reads the tiered system approach made by one of the community members and the comments in support of this suggestion.


Should remain at 400 million.
I kinda like @Seizanshib suggestion and was thinking the same thing about the Sharks and Dolphins but then erased it as I believe it might lower TG activity on main and also lowers the prestige of reaching an elite K9 group whose existence leads to bullish buys for those interested.
I also do like @Ruggrat idea of maybe OG Club or Badge for those whom bought day one minus the sell thing as some of us sold to accumulate more, heh heh!