Meeting Summary for Roundtable of Dogs Meeting #7 10/9/24

Roundtable of Dogs Meeting #7 Notes October 9, 2024

Buzz (non-voting)
No One
Seth Shapiro

Meeting Intro by Buzz

Buzz gave a summary of treasury status, budget updates from the last meeting, notable DAO achievements, etc.

Turtle unable to attend due to travel delays, Buzz hosted the meeting in his absence and represented his vote.

1. Proposal to Extend Budget 1 Month - Proposal not necessary

100% of Roundtable voted Yes
0% of Roundtable voted No

Takeaway - Management council will extend the existing 6-month budget by 1 month. No vote required.

2. Shibarium Voting - Proposal not necessary

100% of Roundtable voted Yes
0% of Roundtable voted No

Takeaway - The management council will perform manual snapshot uploads to accommodate Shibarium voting. This will be in place by the next Roundtable.

3. Bonecrusher Settings Management - Need more feedback from community

Takeaway - No vote, discussion will continue and topic will be revisited at next Roundtable.

Link to proposal discussion

4. Private Proposal for Advisory Token Reduction - Proposal not necessary

Takeaway - The management council is to do a review of all advisory contracts to ensure that all advisors are meeting their contractual obligations to the DAO. If they are not, the advisors not meeting expectations will receive a formal warning. An opportunity to get back on track will be given but if the warning is not heeded by the delinquent advisor the multisig will revoke token allocations as necessary.

5. Sponsorship or Attendance of ShibaCon - Need more information

Takeaway - The Roundtable needs more information about the conference (marketing options) in order to approve any budget spend. If the budget were small and inline with the existing marketing budget, the management council would have the discretion to participate if positive value is identified.

6. KNINE Buy Back Strategy - Proposal not necessary

25% of Roundtable voted Yes
75% of Roundtable voted No

Takeaway - The Roundtable is against unnatural marketed involvement in the KNINE secondary market.

7. Future Roadmap Discussion - Proposal not necessary

Takeaway - The Roundtable commented that a concrete roadmap is not needed for a live product that has delivered on its initial roadmap in full, due to ongoing competitive analysis being required for like-kind products. Maintaining a nimble position is important in the fast moving DeFi ecosystem and the Roundtable believes a rigid roadmap for 2025 may restrict the DAO in negative ways. Roundtable has suggested that a vague roadmap be shared that can show the community the general direction that the DAO is headed.

The Roundtable was generally very supportive of exploring a cross-chain strategy for future growth.


Big fan of #4

I support these updates.

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I like the flexible roadmap idea. We to set some basic goals and make adjustments as we go.

Attending is a shibacon could be good advertisement opportunity. I believe we should attend if we can get the approved budget.

I am not a supporter of buybacks.

Bone crusher settings. What type of investment do we need? Maybe post a Survey in TG chat to get feedback?

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