Bond Protocol-owned Liquidity with ApeBond

I also like Rugrats suggestion


Nothing wrong with a test run for sure. $100k is still a healthy chunk and well on the way to bolstering liquidity. I like compromise.


100K, or shorting said amount down, would make the price of K9 on ApeBond high. Giving them More K9, like 500k-1Million would lower it. Because more trades would happen. Staying at 200K means their clients have an interest in all things Shib related. Announcing K9 on ApeBond with a gatekeeper, or price barrier, is not their intention.


I like Ruggrats suggestion. Let’s do a 100k test run and track the analytics to decide if we move forward with more or not.

I’m in…


Doing a Test run makes the most sense at this time, I also agree with Ruggrats & CryptBro suggestion on this. I’m in, lets go!!


You know they want $200,000.00 right = 5 Billion coins. This is still a big no for me. If they take 25% as payment we just gave them a large voting control. 1.5 billion coins. What actually happens to that 25% payment they take.


Where did you come up with this 25%?

Second, shouldn’t people that work be paid for their efforts (it’s 5%) and strive for an incentive if they completely succeed (5% success fee)?

I would assume whatever payment they take pays for their smart contract deployments, marketing, community engagement and paying their bills and make a livelihood.


From Archangel review :arrow_up::arrow_up: of the contract.

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Doesn’t add it up to me. Their description is 5 and 5.

*In terms of K9’s price as of today in USDC. I apologize for my tired hands.

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Hey Joyride! Yeah, this is incorrect, I can confirm only 5% and 5%, I don’t know what Archangel reviewed, but incorrect.


We need liquidity. The compromise works. My vote would be for their full proposal as is. Thank you


I agree we need liquidity and like the suggestion to do a test run at 100k


25% payment is slightly mis-worded.
Based on their other projects, the average discount to their community is approximately 15% + 5% initiation fee + 5% success fee. Thats where the 25% impact comes from.


What would be the projected and likely impact on our coin with its current stats, so to speak? What would the discount be? I see you have a number of coins on your site which looks very professional, and highly gamified. Can you point to some coins that are similar to K9 and what the impact was?


I appreciate the in-depth proposal from the ApeBond team. It’s clear that enhancing our on-chain liquidity is crucial, especially in combatting issues like those posed by Arbitrage-8404. From what we’ve experienced, increasing liquidity is a key strategy in mitigating such challenges.

I support initiating this collaboration with a $100K investment as a test run. This conservative start allows us to gauge the impact more effectively and adjust our strategy as needed before committing further resources. If successful, we could consider scaling up to $200K, aligning with our objectives and monitoring the influence on our token’s stability and market presence.

Raising our transaction tax to 4 or 5%, with the additional proceeds directed to a burn wallet, is also worth discussing further, as a part of fighting Mr Arbitrage, though it indeed warrants its own separate conversation. Which for sure will be a hot topic, even if we burn or not! :laughing: :fire:


Proposal reviewed at Roundtable of Dogs on 5/10/24.

1. Proposal to use ApeBond for $200k Liquidity - PROPOSAL DELAYED

22% of Roundtable voted Yes
11% of Roundtable voted No
67% of Roundtable voted for Revisit in future meeting (DELAYED)

Takeaway - Roundtable discussed the opportunity cost of tokens, whether this was the best use of KNINE tokens, and a concern that approving this vote would increase the circulating supply of KNINE at a time where many other tokens are being unlocked due to vesting schedules.

It was agreed that this is potentially a great opportunity, but that since the product is not live yet, the Roundtable felt that this proposal was not a rush, and that another month could be used to get more details around the proposal to see if it could be advantageous enough to issue more tokens into circulation. Considerations the Roundtable wanted to see are: a social media study to see how effective the marketing efforts from Ape Bond would be to growing KNINE holders, a more in depth analysis at past token purchaser behavior in past Ape Bond clients, and to evaluate whether or not a lower fee structure could be negotiated with the Ape Bond proposer.

This proposal was decided that it would be revisited at the next meeting. This will allow for the above research to be performed.

This thread should be used to establish those clear next steps/questions and additional context should be gathered in anticipation of the next review.


This proposal was discussed in the 6/10/24 Roundtable of Dogs meeting.

Summary here Meeting Summary for Roundtable of Dogs Meeting #3 6/10/24

This proposal has now moved to an on-chain vote Snapshot


I am behind and catching up: did APE Bond move to execution? If so, did it meet our expectations?

Looking for lessons learned as we bring on more projects into the ecosystem.

Each project paves the way and makes things easier for the next as we collaborate together.


As of this comment, we have sold 94% of the KNINE allocated to ApeBond with an 80% ROE.

As for what stats the team or DAO are looking for, I’m ignorant to that.

Will we provide ApeBond with more KNINE after the initial allocation is bought up?