on Shibarium

It’s been mentioned of K9 building it’s own voting platform…Our team is more than capable… However time restraints could be an issue. I know this is on their agenda as the DAO is a top priority I say next to development and launch of the product…


I don’t think those asking the K9 Finance team to pay $20K ANNUALLY realize the strain on the budget that would cause. That’s $20K removed from additional marketing, building, funding, and expansion, just so you can vote on proposals when we’re already 200% over quorum on every vote already.

Here are your options:

  1. Keep your KNINE on ETH and vote

  2. Bridge over a certain amount so you can use Bone Crusher. Leave the rest on
    ETH to vote

  3. Bridge all your KNINE to Shibarium and use Bone Crusher.

  4. Bridge and stake. Unstake and bridge back to vote. Bridge back and restake.

There is no right or wrong action with these options. The choice is totally yours to do as you see fit with your DAO participation.

If you’re still reading, thank you. Here’s the bigger picture:

The Shib World Paper has many sections about how each ecosystem token of SHIB, BONE, and LEASH are ALL GOVERNANCE TOKENS. What does this mean? It means the ‘Shib Team’ has to be building a voting platform for Shibarium or has plans to do so in the roadmap. Good things come to those that wait.

Don’t be short-sighted and hasty to force $20K out of the team’s budget every year just because voting is not activated on Shibarium yet. It will be in due time.

In the meantime, buy more KNINE and allocate some to stay on ETH for voting purposes if it means so much to you.


Very well written proposal…

100% supported this proposal

I believe when one vests their KNINE on Shibarium - they will receive a receipt token which will be able to be used for voting in the DAO as well.

So as long as KNINE is vested - it’s a non-problem really.

Devs might correct me if I’m understanding something wrong.


There is a hidden sKNINE token when vesting.


Just pulling this out of my a… memory, iirc Buzz once said that this is the way: they could either keep it as it is now or implement it with not much effort. Or something like that… XD
At least how i understood it at that time, i think.

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